Sunday, December 3, 2023

West 2 East Coast by Train


Image Courtesy: Wikipedia_Floy_Utah

Travel Date:  20th November 2015


The plan was to get back into the wanderer spirit again! And nothing can beat covering North America from Coast to coast, from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean (or vice-versa), 3400 miles, 11 states, all 4 time zones which exists here!

Varun and me immediately got into action when we were discussing the plan what to do from November 21st to November 29th, as there was Thanksgiving holiday and we just had to take 4 days off.

We made a plan from 20th November to 28th November 2015, 8 days and 9 nights. On 21st November night, we reached San Francisco and stayed overnight in a hotel. Next day was dedicated to cover Golden Gate bridge and for the same, we opted out cycle route. It was from Downtown San Francisco to Golden Gate and coming back. We hired cycles and the route was beautiful, something to talk about. It was mostly the beach area and you are just few feets away from the sea. The way they made this is commendable and a walk/cycle to remember. Took few good shots and ended up journey by 3:00 PM, to and fro (overall ~26 miles). Rest was downtown area, dinner in the night with an old friend who lives in SFO.


Second day was the start of the judgement day. 22nd November, morning 9:10 AM, the famous Califormia Zyper arrived at Emeriville station and we boarded the train. It all started with a good scenic view and it got enhanced bit by bit.

After a journey of 33 hours (not considering the time zone change), we reached Denver at 6:45 PM. Took a walk till our hotel and rest for the night. We choose to stay for 2 nights in Denver and it was worth. Fell in love with Colorado, mountains, the scenic view, the red rocks, the ampitheater and lot other things. I talked about my friend David here on YouTube:



On 25th at 7:10 PM, we started our journey from Denver to Chicago. We reached Chicago next day at 2:50 PM. Went into the hotel and was happy seeing State Bank of India office just adjacent to the hotel.

Took rest and in the evening, went out in Chicago downtown. Next day explored the city, watched "Creed" in theater, however missed a view of the city from John Hancock Tower due to weather. Its a true architectural city, with some lovely places.


On 27th at 9:30 PM, we took our last train, from Chicago to New york. California Zyper covers till Chicago and from here, we had to get into Lake Shore Limited. This was a normal rail and was not double decker like California Zyper. Lake shore cross Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and then enters New York state. The train finally reached New York Penn Station at 6:30 PM on 28th November. This was an epic journey where we have covered Pacific and Atlantic ocean by train.

Few pictures from inside the train, the people...

If well planned, you can do this trip in less then $250 (only train fare), but as we have not made the plans in advance, we had to stick with dates and fare prices. For 1 person, it took $350 train fare from California to New York. Food, stays in between were extra.

Over all, this journey can't be mentioned in the words but one has to live it. There are few things which I liked the most, and the top is Colorado. You will feel like you belong here, mountain man! People are not too commercialized here and down to earth, most of them are musicians (Thanks to John Denver).

However, my advice would be, just don't get excited by looking into the picture or by reading the blog. It takes lots of patience to cover this kind of journey, the time, and courage to squeeze into chair seats when you want to sleep :) (California Zyper was not too bad and had enough space). But, its all fun if you like wandering, knowing new people, exploring and testing yourself! Its really is! All the people I met and talked during my train journey are now so embedded in my memories that I can recall them anytime. I met Professors, I met ranch keepers, I met students, I met artists, the cook... all those people are part of my memories now... nothing can get it away! So be ready and if get time and opportunity, experience it... :)

Things to remember:

You can make your own itinerary, i.e. where to halt, which city to explore (Salt Lake/Denver/Chicago). There are two ways to do this. Either take a train pass for a 15-day, in which you can get 8 train rides, which means you can hop-on and off from the train 8 times, can see 8 cities. However if you have specific cities to halt like how we did, you have to prepare your own itinerary  and have to book different tickets. For example, we booked tickets for California Zyper from SFO to Denver, then from Denver to Chicago, then from Chicago to NYC a different ticket was there for Lake Shore Limited.

About California Zyper

*It is having a Sightseer Lounge car
*Restaurant inside (great food)

*Good and supportive staff

The Route

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

RIP Robin Williams

Its a loss... You will be remembered for long Robin.. for your fantastic roles you played and contribution to the cinema. Can't forget your movies.... "Good Morning, Vietnam", "Good Will Hunting", "Jumanji"... and the list is endless...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

बेचारा बचपन...

कल फिर से वही सोमवार, नौकरी पे जाना, भागा-दौड़ी!! सबकुछ देखती हूँ मैं अपनी आँखो से! मुझे जल्दी जल्दी तैयार करना, मेरे extra कपड़े बैग में डालना, सब कुछ इधर का उधर होना! अब तो शायद मुझे भी पता है Monday का मतलब, कि कब वो आता है! मम्मी पापा के काम करने के तरीके से ही पता चल जाता है कि कौन सा दिन है!
अब मैं भी urbanized बेबी हो गई हूँ! Saturday-Sunday बेबी! मम्मी-पापा की बहुत सारे दिन छुट्टी होनी चाहिए, ताकि वो मेरे साथ रहें! पिछला साल अच्छा था, मेरे दादा-दादी और चाचा-चाची भी साथ थे, तो मुझे सबका प्यार मिलता था! कोई ना कोई मेरे साथ घर पर ज़रूर होता था! जो मेरी देखभाल करता था, मुझे प्यार करता था, मेरे साथ खेलता था! और मुझे सबसे अच्छे मेरे दादा-दादी लगते थे, शायद बचपन और बुढ़ापा एक दूसरे के सबसे करीब होते हैं! दोनो एक जैसे लगभग! दोनो को लोगों की ज़रूरत पड़ती है, दोनो अकेलापन महसूस करते हैं, दोनो को सहारा चाहिए, इसीलिए शायद दोनो एक दूसरे का सबसे बड़ा सहारा होते हैं!
इस साल हम दूसरे घर में शिफ्ट हो गये हैं! अब हम nucleous और independent family हैं! पर इस बीच सबसे बड़ा नुकसान मेरा हुआ है! मुझे अभी nucleous family का part नहीं बनना था, वो मेरे लिए सही नहीं था! मैं तो सबके साथ ही खुश थी! मुझे जल्दी नहीं थी इस independence की! मुझे अभी सबके साथ की ज़रूरत थी! अब मेरी Family Saturday और Sunday में सिमट के रह गई है! 5 दिन मेरा घर एक cruch होता है! थोड़े दिन तो बुरा लगा, पर अब ठीक लगने लगा है! अब मैने भी औरों की तरहा रहना सिख लिया है! यहाँ मैं अपने जैसी अकेली नहीं हूँ! बहुत सारे independent parents के independent बच्चे आते हैं यहाँ पर, अपना टाइम काटने, ताकि उनके parents इस शहर का बोझ उठा सकें, urbanization की definition पर खरा उतर सकें, cars maintain कर सकें, अच्छा घर खरीद सकें! और ये सब मेरे लिए, ऐसा कहते हुए सुना है मैने parents को! पर मैं तो होती ही नहीं हूँ उनके पास, मैं तो cruch में होती हूँ! और मैने तो ये सब माँगा भी नहीं था, ये तो उन्होने बस सोच लिया है! मुझे तो अपनी family और उनका support चाहिए! पापा सुबहा जाके शाम को आयें, या मम्मी, या दादा-दादी और चाचा-चाची साथ रहें, पर कोई तो हो! अभी तो family भी नहीं रहती मेरे पास और जिन चीज़ों के लिए मेरे मम्मी पापा सुबहा से निकल के शाम को वापस आते हैं, वो चीज़ें तो मुझे चाहिए ही नहीं!
जैसे बूढ़े लोगों के लिए आश्रम होता है, हम बच्चों के लिए भी modern आश्रम हैं, cruch आश्रम! जहाँ बहुत सारे बच्चे अपने parents के बिना पूरा दिन बिताते हैं! अपने बड़े होने का और Saturday-Sunday का wait करते हैं! फिर जब थोड़ा टाइम निकल जाएगा, तो हम सब स्कूल जाने लगेंगे! फिर 5-6 घंटे वैसे ही टाइम नहीं मिलेगा! और हमारे मम्मी पापा को भी पता नहीं चलेगा जब समय पंख लगा के उड़ जाएगा, और हम लोग कब बड़े हो जाएँगे, और अपनी अपनी ज़िंदगी में मसरूफ़ हो जाएँगे!
मैं हूँ महक, 2 साल की बच्ची! यही है हम सबके बेचारे बचपन की कहानी! काश लोग ये समझ पाते कि कुछ चीज़ें सब चीज़ों से ज़्यादा अहेमियत रखती हैं, जैसे की हमारा बचपन, एक परिवार! और कुछ भी करके समय को वापस नहीं लाया जा सकता! जो पल बीत चुका है, वो किसी भी कीमत पर वापस नहीं आएगा! और ना ही मेरा बचपन! काश मैं समझा पाती अपनी आँखो से, अपने इशारों से, कि मेरे लिए, हम सब बच्चों के लिए एक परिवार के क्या मायने हैं, मुझे और मेरे जैसे बच्चों को क्यों भरना पड़े ये जुर्माना ना साथ रहने का, nucleous होने का, independent होने का! काश लोग ये समझ जायें कि मेरा बचपन उनकी सभी समस्याओं और इच्छाओं में से सबसे important है, और मुझे इसे जीना है, इसे enjoy करना है, इसका एक एक पल मेरे लिए और मेरे सारे परिवार के लिए बहुत ज़रूरी है!!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

एक कहानी छोटी सी...

पिछली रात काफ़ी मुश्किल भरी थी रामकिसन के लिए! पूरे दिन का थका हारा जब घर पहुँचा शाम को, तो देखा कि खाने में बाजरे की रोटी के साथ कुछ ना था! काकी ने सुबहा याद दिलाया तो था कि लौटते समय बनिए से थोड़ा गुड और ज्वार का आटा लेते आना, पर बनिया भी तो घाघ था! अभी 10 दिन पहले ही पूरे पैसे चुकाए थे, पर अब बोलता है कि 10 दिन में उधार काफ़ी बढ़ गया है, और ना देगा! 3 बच्चों का खर्चा, काकी की दवाई, फिर खुद के लिए ताड़ी भी लेनी होती है रोज़, नींद आने के लिए! ख़ैर, बनिए की गालियों के साथ बाजरे की रोटी तो निगल ली, पर निगोडा पेट उनको पचाने के लिए तैयार ना था! गालियों की आदत तो थी रामू के शरीर को, पर रोटी के साथ नहीं, थप्पड़ और पिटाई के साथ! जब शरीर में दर्द बर्दाश्त करने के लिए माँस नहीं बचता तो शायद दर्द होना भी बंद हो जाता है! जब से रामकिसन की बीवी गयी थी, शरीर पर तेल लगाने के लिए भी कोई ना बचा था! काकी खुद आँखों में सवाल लिए घूमती थी कि कोई उसके बुढ़ापे में थोड़ी सेवा कर दे! बच्चे अभी इतने बड़े ना थे कि रामकिसन की थकान का मरहम बनते, और खुद रामकिसन को भी उनसे कुछ कहते ना बनता था! खुद की गरज के लिए बचपन को मारना उसे अभी तक क़ुबूल ना हो पाया था!

खैर, किसी तरहा सुबा हुई, उम्मीद जगी कि आज तो कुछ अच्छा होगा ही! आज शायद थोड़े पैसे मिल जायें ठेकेदार से! सुबा होना ऐसा ही होता है, हर किसी के लिए! पौ फट्ते ही उम्मीद उठ जाती है अंगड़ाई लेते हुए! पंख ऐसे फैला लेती है कि पूरा आसमान समेटना हो जैसे!

2 बच्चे अपने फटे हुए कपड़ों में गली में निकल चुके थे, अपना दिन काटने! एक अभी थोड़ा छोटा था, उसे काकी घर में ही रखती थी! चूल्हा चोका करने के बाद अपने उपर लिटा लेती थी! बच्चे का तो पता नहीं, काकी को ज़रूर आराम मिलता था! थोड़ी अफ़ीम चाटने के बाद 4-5 घंटे आराम से निकल जाते थे काकी के बच्चे के साथ! वो तो दो निक्कंमे थोड़े बड़े हो गये थे, दिन में दो बार तो आके खाना माँग ही लेते थे! काकी को भेदना भी आसान ना था! चेहरे की झुर्रियाँ साफ पता देती थी की ऐसे जाने कितने बच्चों को काकी ने पानी में उतार के सूखा रखा था! ऐसे बच्चों कि उम्मीदों को चबा चबा के ही शायद काकी के दाँत जल्दी टूट चुके थे! बच्चे दिन के खाने के लिए आवाज़ लगा लगा के थक जाते थे, काकी टस से मस ना होती, आँख ही ना खोलती थी! शायद काकी तपा रही थी बच्चों को! उसे पता था कि अगर अभी से 3 समय खाने की आदत डाली तो आगे कम ही जी पाएँगे ये लोग! आज बच्चों का भूखे रोना उनके 15 साल बाद जीने और झेलने का सहारा बनेगा, ये काकी को अच्छे से पता था!

शाम होते होते उम्मीद जो सुबा उठी थी, अपने पूरे ज़ोर पर आ जाती है! घर जाना है, रास्ते से बानिए से गुड और ज्वार का आटा लेना है, फिर अपने लिए भी ताड़ी लेनी है! आधी ककड़ी भी कहीं से हाथ आ जाए तो शायद भगवान पर और पक्का हो जाए विश्वास. पर जब तक घर जाने के लिए कदम रास्ते को छूते हैं, तो उमीद भी सिमट के अपने घोंसले में छिप जाती है! आज फिर ठेकेदार से दो झापड़ और एक लात खा के ये तो समझ आ गया था रामू को कि आज फिर सुखी रोटी निगल के सोना पड़ेगा! भला हो जिसने ताड़ी बना दी, कम से कम एक पहर तो सुलाए रखेगी!

फिर से बाजरे की सुखी रोटी खा के रामू लेट गया, अगली सुबा के इंतज़ार में! नींद अभी रास्ता पार करके शायद आने वाली थी! इतनी देर में काम के नाम पे छप्पर को ताकने के अलावा और कुछ था नहीं! कुछ जगह से फूउस हट गया था, उपर थोड़ा थोडा आसमान दिख रहा था, जैसे रामकिसन के मन में झाँकने कि कोशिश कर रहा हो! कल अगर थोड़े पैसे मिल जायें, तो छप्पर की मरम्मत का इंतज़ाम करूँ, थोड़े दिनों में यही आसमान बादलों को ले आएगा अपने साथ घुमाने! निगोडे को जगह भी वही पसंद आती है बरसने के लिए जहाँ से छप्पर खराब हो चुके हों और पानी घर के अंदर तक चले! यही सब सोचते हुए आख़िर थोड़ी देर के लिए रामकिसन फिर से सपने लेने लगा! ठेकेदार, गुड, ज्वार का आटा, छप्पर, बच्चे, ताड़ी, काकी, बनिया, सब सैर कर रहे थे...

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just wrote

Half of the time in my life I travelled, and than I thought why I travelled when there was no place to reach! And then I see in the end, I was no where! What I learned is, to travel was not required at all! Everything was there already where I was! Alas, I lost so much!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And I came back today...

And here I came back today, with a very heavy heart, with lots of good experiences, with lots of good things, but although, with a very heavy heart!!! And for the reason someone said... "life is too short to end our day with a heavy heart. Exhale stress. Inhale forgiveness."

And I accumulated one another sorrow too... as "Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”

― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 1: मोदी जी का स्वागत है!!!

हाल ही में विधानसभा चुनाव में काफ़ी अप्रत्याशित तथ्य और परिणाम सामने आए हैं! उनमे से कुछ ऐसे जो कि लग रहा था हो सकता है और नहीं भी, जैसे की बीजेपी को अकेले 272+ सीट्स का मिलना! जैसे कि कॉंग्रेस पार्टी का 44 पर सिमटना! जैसे कि 3र्ड फ्रंट का पता गुम होना!

लेकिन इन सब चीज़ों में, इन सब परिणामो के बीच में से एक बात जो बहुत ही गौर करने वाली है, और जो सबसे अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है, वो हैं मोदी जी!

अगर हम चुनावों की बात ना करके, एक आदमी विशेष की बात करें, जो की इस समय सिर्फ़ मोदी जी की ही हो सकती है, तो काफ़ी कुछ सीखने-बताने को है!

मैं कोई विचारक, कोई राजनीतिक लेखक नहीं हूँ, एक आम आदमी, जिसने ये चुनाव देखा और अपनी छोटी सी समझ से इसे समझने की कोशिश की है, और एक व्यक्ति विशेष पर ध्यान केंद्रित हुआ है, उसे बयान करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ!

जीत पार्टी की हुई है, परंतु असल में हक़दार किसी भी जीत का सेनापति ही होता है! मैने तो हमेशा टीवी पर मोदी जी को सिर्फ़ 4-5 व्यक्तियों के साथ ही देखा है! ऐसे व्यक्ति जिन्होने किसी भी आपदा में, किसी भी प्रेशर में मोदी जी का साथ नहीं छोड़ा और सब कुछ मोदी मयी कर दिया. परंतु फिर भी, असल में जो शब्द मोदी जी के लिए कहने का मन करता है, वो अलग ही हैं!

एक आटो बाइयोग्रफी का चलन है हमारे यहाँ, जिसमे एक व्यक्ति के बारे में, उसके जीवन में घटित घटनाओ के बारे में, वो जहाँ है या जहाँ तक पहुँचे हैं, उस बारे में बताया जाता है! और हमारे भविश्य, आने वाली जेनरेशन, बcचे, उसे देखते हैं! उनके सामने हम आइडल प्रस्तुत करते हैं, ताकि वो सीखें उनके व्यक्तित्व से कुछ! मेरी नज़र में, और ये मेरा अपना नज़रिया है, मोदी जी ने ऐसा ही काम किया है!

चाय वाले से प्रधानमत्री बनने तक का सफ़र! मेरी नज़र में मोदी जी मेरे लिए एक उधारण प्रस्तुत करने वाले व्यक्ति हैं! एक ना हार मानने वाले व्यक्ति जो परिस्थितियों के अनुकूल नहीं चलते, बल्कि परिस्थितियों को अपने अनुकूल करते हैं! और जब हम किसी कि कहानी सुनते हैं या बताते हैं किसी को, तो उसमें यही बात तलाशता है कोई भी, कि कैसे किसी ने अकेले, सबके विरोध के बावजूद, सबके प्रभाव के बावजूद, खुद पर भरोसा रखा, खुद को टूटने नहीं दिया, झुकने नहीं दिया! अभी हम सांप्रदायिकता, असांप्रदायिकता, या और किसी भी मुद्दे पर बात नहीं कर रहे! बात है किसी के कुछ से कुछ बनने की, बात है किसी की सक्सेस स्टोरी की, बात है एग्ज़ॅंपल सेट करने की!

बहुत से सारे हमारे नेता, जिन्हे हम जानते हैं, पहचानते हैं, वो सब या तो पहले से किसी पावर फॅमिली से आए हैं, या बहुत पैसे वाले परिवार से आए हैं, या बहुत करप्षन करके आए हैं (मैने ये नहीं कहा कि सब, मैने कहा बहुत से, no offense please)! मोदी जी बारे में कम से कम इन तीनो चीज़ों में से कोई एक भी बात सच नहीं निकलती! साधारण परिवार से हैं, कोई राजनीतिक बॅकग्राउंड से भी नहीं हैं, और कोई करप्षन का चार्ज भी नहीं है! और यही बातें उन्हे बहुत नेताओ से अलग खड़ा करती हैं!

एक व्यक्ति, जिसके सब खिलाफ हो, दूसरे राजनीतिकार भी, दूसरी पार्टियाँ भी, खुद की पार्टी के लोग भी, भारत के बाहर के कुछ देश भी, वो व्यक्ति, अकेले खड़ा रहे, और वो भी इतने दिनो तक, और लड़े सबके खिलाफ, अद्भुत नज़ारा! बयान करने लायक!

कहने और लिखने को बहुत कुछ है, बस अंत में एक ही बात मोदी जी को, आप अगर प्रधानमत्री ना भी बनते, तब भी आपकी फन फॉलोयिंग कम नहीं होती, आपका कद बहुत बड़ा है, और जो आपने खुद बनाया है! मेरी शुभकामनायें, हमें पूर्ण विश्वास है कि आप देश के हित में, जनता के हित में कार्य करने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ेंगे!

मेरी शुभकामनायें!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Life has changed...

A lot... and almost everything!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

RIP Hoffman

We remember few people by their names and few by their work!!! You will be in the latter category. When I read about you last Sunday, your character roles just passed through my mind, "25th hour" esp., one of the best.

Rest in peace, wherever you are...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


कई बार किसी गाड़ी या ट्रक के पीछे कोई ऐसी चीज़ लिखी मिल जाती है, जो हम किताबों में नही ढूँढ पाते! "बुरी नज़र वाले तेरा मुँह काला" से ऊपर उठ चुके हैं अब हम! ऐसी लाइन मुझे कल एक ट्रक के पीछे पढ़ने को मिली, जो शाश्वत सत्य है!

"तर्क ही नर्क है, समर्पण ही स्वर्ग है!!"

Friday, January 3, 2014

A good life and a good death

Several times this debate has happened, if I have a right to live, why I don't have a right to die. Different religions, creeds, countries and people have their own views and laws for a good life and a good death too. Now, for me, nothing is right and nothing is wrong, as far as a personal conscious allows. I got the encouragement and patience to write on this topic because of one recent death, Robert W. Wilson, 87 years old wall street tycoon, who ended his life by jumping from 16th floor from the building he was residing. To be honest, I didn't know him before this news. Even, I am not sure if anyone from you who read this posting or people in my group, are concerned about wall street and business/money tycoons. However, when I came through this news that he ended his life from his San Remo apartment building, one prestigious and reputed address in New York’s Upper East Side (although, address has nothing to do with anyone's death), the line for me was what he said "I don't want to suffer", in which he tried to explain his thoughts and feelings towards life and about the suffering.

To cover a bit of story, he suffered from a stroke in June 2013, and some news confirms that he had another stroke recently in December 2013 too. Now personally for me, it was his choice as it was his life and he had a right on it, it may be not a right thing by law. But this bigger question is not if he did the right thing or wrong, it's what the message we got from him. What he might be thinking, feeling before committing this act?
Sometimes I have to visit hospitals, a few in my city. I see patients, and not being a doctor, I feel utter pain. I am not saying that doctors don't feel pain, they do, they are humans, however, they see this everyday and are more habitual than us with the patients and diseases. They do operations, treat people, we don't. They know in and out of a body, we don't. So, when I see patients with chronic diseases, like renal failure, liver failure, people with never ending and painful clinical procedures, I hear the voices. I hear from their own senses that they want to end this. They lived and now they are liability, on their families, on themselves. Its obvious for them to say that! One who feels the pain, knows the pain. We can only try to explain.

My first line before I go ahead: "I am not against Science and technology".
The more we are growing in the field of science and technology, more we are moving towards suffering and pain, isn't it? Yes, we have found the cure for many things, but isn't it the more diseases we have created/invented? Isn't it the world is becoming to be a more suffering palace? We had a body which was gifted and earlier, we were returning it back more or less in the same state. No doubt we save a lot of people now a days, no doubt we have been successful to place one person's organ into another one's, however, isn't it obvious that we gained the quantity of life, but at the cost of quality?

I am sure few people will agree to the fact that both cure and diseases are by-product of science only. I was going through a recent study where pregnant women are being advised to avoid plastics used in cling wrap, shampoo and computer cables, after a link has been found between premature birth and chemicals known as phthalates. Now plastic is a product of science and the study of prevention from premature birth is also a product from science. Its a relative theory based on create virus first for the use of antivirus. Yes, we made our life easy by using the products from technology, but at what cost? Isn't it easy life is at the cost of quality of life? There are many research and studies filled with how we are becoming our own enemy, by inventing and using the new chemicals, and then finding cure for the diseases which comes in existence by those chemicals.

 Back to the topic, a rightful death, after a rightful life. Robert W. Wilson made his choice, not to suffer, not to become dependent on any person or machine. Though he had good $100 million left in the end, after he donated $700 million, he decided to act like this (he left a note to donate $100 million too after his death, according to news). I can assume he had enough amount of money with him to be on support, support by men and machines. Now, including me, no-one can comment on whether he did right or wrong, esp. when we exclude the laws and religion and keep those things out of scope!
So where we are heading? This might be not something new, a suicide or an attempt of suicide, but the message he delivered is different and new... "I don't want to suffer". Which implies, that if law and religion will not allow a good death, someone will (a thought or a feeling probably). Yes, I can speak from the side of people who talk about the sanctity of life and a suicide or euthanasia is illegal, for the reason I am not to decode or decide what is right and what is wrong. As I said, most of us are confused between right and wrong and if we have to do something, we convince ourselves for the same and on that moment, we act.

The big question left is, does the suffering end by ending our life? Is that the end or a relief? What if not? What if the suffering adds on by committing it? But yes, for the moment, it may be... end of suffering.
RIP Robert W. Wilson, wherever you are.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

RIP Farooq Sheikh

You will be missed... you were a common man's hero and a hero as a common man!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

RIP Paul Walker

Nothing to write, except, RIP Paul Walker!!! You will be missed...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is important!!!

What is important? To be a good human or good looking human?

How many people we meet on day to day basis who are very concious about how they are looking! But how many can understand that when you look into someone's eyes, you are directly looking into their heart and for some, it is your heart what matters, not the artificial faces and figure you carry.
There is a place for everyone in this world, one's own space and place where no-one else can get fit into.

We just need to look there, not where everyone wants us, but where there is our place which makes us beautiful. Nature, there is no difference between a bad flower and a good flower. It’s just a flower which is making the place beautiful. Shape and size doesn't matter. What matters is how good and strong one is within.
Ask a child how his/her mother is! Always beautiful and protective about him/her. Always taking charge. No beauty comes in between than, only a heart of mother. Ask a patient, how beautiful a nurse is looking. No matter how bad looking she is, she is a support system for the patient at that time. Ask a man who has turned 60 years old and retired. How beautiful his wife is. No matter they might have not liked each other throughout the life, but at that age now when they have got into their 60's, when they can see nobody else has been left with them but they together themselves, they than understand the actual beauty, which is in staying together, no matter what may come.|
We are mad people and because we are mad, we have created a mad world around us. We use to choose the things on the basis of their looks and color and not becuse of the taste. People just want to be around someone who looks beautiful and pretty. But is it going to add some value to their life? Those people don't even understand what beauty and prettiness is all about. Beauty is always in the things which we can't see at all, but just feel and realize, like the nature of the person, kindness, attitude towards all beings. The way you think, makes one beautiful, and not the shape one carry or the clothes one wear or the food one eat. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

A saying -- The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

As far as my knowledge is concern, truth and honesty is the most adorable thing in a human being. Esp any women can look great in any ordinary piece of cloth if she is strong from inside, if her fundamentals are clear, if she is kind enough and having all these qualities, she will be beautiful.

To any human, happiness is what makes one pretty and beautiful. Happy people are beautiful. And they know happiness is not how they look, but how they are, content with whatever they have got.

A famous saying I got and wanted to share:

“For Attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others."

Hope by this time you might have got the idea of what beautiful means for some people, its inside, not the outside. Whatever outside is, a myth. The people who can't appreciate because of what you are, are not worth hearing, but just to be smile upon and ignore.

God Bless... :)

Friday, May 10, 2013


The chemistry between the river, sea, sun, clouds, air and the mountains... the nature...

Rain always played a very special role in his life...

When he was a kid, he used to be out till it was raining... wanted to pour himself into the each drop of it... knowing he will be bitten up by his mom after he will get inside...

He used to pray all the time to let the rain happen.. even in the winters... so that he can see this amazing creation of the supermacy... to let it wet the sand... to let the pleasent smell of sand get inside him after the rain...

He had been told by the means of stories that even God cries... and the God cries when he is in too pain, or when he is too happy...

When in pain, its rain and storm... but when he is happy, it called as rain...

He believed that...

And he always wanted God to be happy... as happy so that he can cry... and so he can call that rain...

He always wanted to see all the green graas and trees dropping the blessings from their leaves after the end of rain...

It really meant the blessing for him...

He never put his umbrella on his head when going to school or coming back while it was raining...

Just protected his bag full of books...

When he was young, and in the college, he always had a walk in the rain when the other students didn't wanted to get their pair of clothes wet...

He always find himself in between the green fields, with his imaginary dog and horse whenevr there was rain...

He was known as a dreamer in all aspects...

Rain always made him happy... he always felt the beauty of life in that... one of the real gift from the nature... to keep everyone alive...

He remember he used to run in the rain... sort of jogging... people called him mad...

He remember he always used to go into the park to play football or cricket whenever it was raining...

He found some other mad people who were their to accompany him...

He remember that lonely basket ball ground in the college, always waiting for him whenever it was raining...

He always kept repeting the quote to his friends... "Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby"... some listened, some didn't...

He never missed the rain... it was amazing...

Before the spring came, she was gone... with her new rain-man... in the search of new life... new opportunities...

He never got a chance to hold her hand in the rain... to give her the most beautiful gift he could have given... to tell her that he don't want to let this rain ever stop... let it continue like this... forever... he will take care of everything else... he will resolve every problem of his and her life... just let the rain come once... wait for me... he didn't got a chance...

He don't like the rain now.. it hurts him... every drop of it hits him...

He is just sitting at the window... watching the rain... pouring the every bit of existence outside...

He can't go outside... he is scared to be wet... scared of rain... scared of what if someone hold his hand...

He can't do that... he don't want to let it happen... with him...

Its always the rain with the storm now... atleast for him...

And the rain... it's just hiding the tears from his face... that is the only purpose he has left with for the rain...

Few drops cames from his eyes... its raining... inside and outside... everyday... its rain for him, all the time, now and then... with storm...

He pray for everyone now... "Into each life, some rain must fall... without storm...”"

Rain... the chemistry between the river, sea, sun, clouds, air and the mountains... the nature... the storm... the him...

God Bless....
