Showing posts with label Jeevashram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeevashram. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hi There,

Thanks for your time. It has been tremendous pleasure to share this information with you. We all have been passing through a number of sayings/quotes about the essential elements of life "Peace & Love" atleast once in our days schedule. Love human beings because of being human. I just want to add a bit into the same, love life because of being life within you, no matter in what and which form it is, human, animals...all. Anything which is making a response to you, have feelings, emotions, something is going through their mind, they are thinking, acting and responding to you in their own way they are made to be respond. A small and common example is of a dog, when you pass a street dog and just whistle, he starts wagging his tail in a slower sweep that is exactly a response of being confident that you are not going to hurt him and about his friendly gesture towards you. If you ever tried to make an eye contact with a wild cat, you would have noticed the bristling tail and hairs get standing. These are just forms of emotions which they express by their body language. Animals feel love, they feel pain, they feel everything what you feel on certain course of action which would have been taken by/to you.
It is just not a matter of feed some street dog or cat. It is more to do with the question "how much" and "how can" you can help them by taking care of these orphans. It is not a matter of having pets at home for decoration purpose and to show how upper class you belong to. It is not a matter of how much money you have spent to take a high class breed. It is not a matter how conscious you are about your own pet so that you don't take chances when your pet is not feeling well. It is matter of how you feel about animal community as a whole. It is a question on how you feel when you see an animal on the street and road roaming here and there just to get some food. It is a concern what you do apart from uttering a loud inarticulate cry on government while you have to use emergency breaks of your vehicle due to the reason some animal on the road or street comes on the way.

Come on!! They have life inside them, they have a soul to be live, they have a body to feel, they have heart just like you which actually beats as of your heart's do, they have their own brain to understand the things.

Yes, we are facing big issues in our own life. In India we have a huge population density. We are not able to take care of orphan humans which have sleepless nights without food. We are taking these issues in UN, generating reports and dashboards about how poor and helpless we are. But do those animals have some government to publish all these things they are going through? Are they able to write out to some governance authority or system about their sufferings? It’s us who have to think about them because it’s us only due to which they are in this condition. They are also the integral part of this our complete circulatory biological process. It is an unsaid fact that to save the existence of humans, it is necessary to save the nature, a part of which animals belong too.

Jeevashram, means a shelter for animals, is one of those organizations which are working for betterment of these unspoken lives. It was founded in 1990 and working continuously to help animals in all the way they can, i.e. shelter, treatment, helping in adoptation of pets, to prevent cruelty to animals etc. It holds a fully equipped veterinary hospital inside the campus that offers all kind of animal care services. The hospital facilitates with mobile dispensary, X-ray machine and operation theatre. They have a separate space for dogs and a cattery. You can find a combined section for birds and rabbits. They have and take care of peacocks, peahens, roosters and pigeons etc. Cattle, horses and donkeys are also in their campus.Currently Jeevashram Foundation is under supervision of Dr Vinod Sharma, Chief Veterinary Officer-in-Charge. The foundation is affiliated to the World Society for Protection of Animals (WSPA).

Jeevashram pic

A question to you after reading all above article is "How you can help"??? And the answer you will be able to give in a better position, I am just writing down my own ideas.

-- Atleast, not to be cruel to animals.
-- Donations (contact details below).
-- Any baronial help (providing food, medicines etc for animals to Jeevashram).
-- Adopting a pet. Please don't show so much of concern about breed of dogs etc. Normal Indian breeds have the same emotions and feelings and pets are not just artificial things to decorate the house so that you have to be specific about choices for their breed.
-- Taking care of orphan street animals.
-- If there is something wrong (accident, mishappening) with the orphan animal(s), do contact your nearest veterinary hospital. Trust me, there are some government owned hospitals and NGOs too just a phone call away from you which will not charge for this OR the charge will be less than your daily food cost.
-- Taking good care of your own pet.

Jeevashram Foundation Location:

Village Rajokri, Near the Temple, New Delhi - 110038.
Phone: 91-11-25064114, 91-11-25064118, 91-11-25063696
